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April 12 2017
From the East Coast to the West Coast, I have had the opportunity to tour several dairy farms and expand my knowledge of the dairy industry simply by spending an hour observing an operation
April 11 2017
Every day (or every other day), the milk truck rolls in, loads up our milk, and delivers the fruits of our labor to the processing plant
April 10 2017
Particularly in tight financial years for agriculture, the argument for finding the economically optimal corn plant population has perpetuated
April 7 2017
Comfort foods. Those snacks that make us feel happy when we have had a rough day, got bad news, or just as a pick-me-up
April 5 2017
While the Hoard’s Dairyman Farm is well known for its Guernsey herd, the Hoard’s Jerseys have been working hard, too
April 5 2017
While the Hoard’s Dairyman Farm is well known for its Guernsey herd, the Hoard’s Jerseys have been working hard, too
April 4 2017
Do you know who your representatives are on the State and Federal level? If your answer to this question is no, do your industry a favor and Google them right now
April 3 2017
Eight in 10 millennial shoppers say it’s important to eat healthy according to a survey done by the marketing firm The Halo Group
Stop talking to your farm friends
March 31 2017
Ever notice how much time you spend talking to others who farm, between attending ag meetings and sitting on ag boards and committees? Talking to our farm friends is so easy
March 30 2017
Spring has finally made its debut, but with it comes some pesky insects, the most common being flies
March 29 2017
Deciding what college to attend is not as easy as it looks as there are many factors to evaluate and consider
March 28 2017
SXSW . . . as in South by Southwest . . . is all about making a big impression
March 24 2017
Somatic cell count (SCC) has been and remains the golden standard of milk quality. That being said, milk quality can be in question even when SCC is in check
March 22 2017
I recently had the opportunity to interview several outstanding college students for the Animal Agriculture Alliance’s summer communications internships
March 21 2017
As dairy farmers with herds entrusted to our care, I think we all felt the same sense of dread at the news of the wildfires
March 20 2017
Ask anyone I work with; one of my favorite holidays of the year is Kansas Day. Never heard of it? You are not alone
March 17 2017
Ah, that new car feel . . . It’s different, better, and exciting . . . all at the same time. As I watched our March webinar, “Making use of all that parlor data,” I instantly made the...
March 16 2017
While working on homework late one night, my roommate crept into my room to inform me about the wildfires, which were sweeping the Plains only a few hours from our home
4H judging team 001
March 15 2017
Twenty young 4-H’ers huddled around our leader’s dining room table on a Wednesday night judging the annual Hoard’s Dairyman Cow Judging Contest
March 14 2017
When I was a kid, I loved report cards. For me, it was important to measure how I was doing in my classes.Now that I’m a dairy farmer, metrics are just as important